Taylor Bell

Chiefs Studios was Created by Taylor Bell and is host of the successful eSIM Studios YouTube Channel, Chiefs Studios YouTube Channel & The Unlocker App YouTube Channel. Taylor is a Progressive Web App (PWA) developer and is dedicated on helping viewers form a better overall experience with the technology that is used on a daily basis. Mr. Bell is a graduate from the University of Houston and holds multiple technical degrees from accredited institutions. He is a proud member of the GSM Association (GSMA) & Consumer Technology Association (CTA) and attendee of the yearly Consumer Electronics Convention (CES) in Las Vegas. We are also an official partner of the YouTube Creator's Program and official member of the Google Pixel SuperFans membership group and Official #teampixel All Channels listed above are owned, hosted, produced, edited and operated by Taylor Bell. Last but not least, a life long Chiefs fan!

Twitter (X) - @eSIMstudiosX 

Instagram - @eSIMstudios

FaceBook - @eSIMstudios

Tech Studios App

The Unlocker App 

Email: Taylor@eSIMstudios.com